Baikal serial number lookup
Baikal serial number lookup

baikal serial number lookup

Also, if you don't take very good care of it, the Kel Tec malfunctions. The Kel Tec jumps all over the place, has a very long and hard trigger pull, has nonadjustable sights, and can barely hit anything at ten yards. I liked the Makarov because it was way smaller than the Ruger P89, but far more functional than the awful little Kel Tec. I was looking for a new concealed carry gun today and picked up a used Makarov 9x18mm.For previous concealed carry, I had two choices: a wonderful Ruger P89, which is so huge, it is difficult to conceal or a horrible little P3AT, the Kel Tec's.380 bug gun.At the gun store, I traded the used Kel Tec and fifty dollars for the Makarov (it was originally marked $200).

Baikal serial number lookup